April 22, 2016
Following the European Parliament’s Resolution of January 21, 2016 on
the situation in Ethiopia “strongly condemning the recent use of excessive
force in Oromia and in all Ethiopian regions,” Shengo expressed its
appreciation to the EU and called upon the Congress of the United States to
take a similar stand. In this regard, we recognize the concerted and relentless
campaign made by Ethiopian civil society, political, spiritual and professional
groups as well as individuals.
The United States Senate Resolution “supporting respect for human rights
and encouraging inclusive governance” in Ethiopia could not have come at a most
opportune and critical time in Ethiopia’s long history. In particular, we note
with appreciation that the Senate “condemns killings of peaceful protestors and
excessive use of force by Ethiopian Security forces, the arrest and detention
of journalists, students, activists and political leaders, and the abuse of the
Anti-Terrorism Proclamation to stifle political and civil dissent and journalistic
Shengo has been calling on the government of Ethiopia to release all
political prisoners, desist from forcible evictions of indigenous people from
their lands and repeal the draconian 2009 Anti-Terrorism and Charities and
Societies Proclamations that have been used as blunt instruments to punish
dissidents and to degrade civil society. We are encouraged by the Senate’s call
on the government of Ethiopia to “refrain from violence (state, our emphasis),
halt the use of excessive force by security forces and conduct a full,
credible, and transparent investigation into killings that took place in
Oromia, and hold security forces accountable for wrong doing through public
proceedings, repeal proclamations that are used as political tools to harass or
prohibit funding for civil society organizations.”
We are especially encouraged by the Senate’s “Call on the Secretary of
State to conduct a review of security assistance to Ethiopia.” Ethiopian civic,
political groups, academic and professional groups have questioned repeatedly
the wisdom of providing American security assistance to a state and government
that uses these tools to punish its own people with impunity. Equally, we are
encouraged by the prospect that USAID “would advance democracy and governance”
and apply due diligence and oversight in the provision of both humanitarian and
development assistance. The government of Ethiopia continues to deny food and
other forms of humanitarian assistance to potential dissidents and non-party
members. It also restricts official development assistance on the basis of
political and ethnic loyalty.
Last but not least, Shengo is enormously gratified by
the resolution that the Senate “stands by the people of Ethiopia, and supports
their peaceful efforts to increase democratic space.” Together, we have a
golden opportunity to leverage the resolutions of the two most significant
donors and diplomatic supporters to the Ethiopian regime.
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