It is strange, relatively
small numbers of determined individuals are willing to be bottom feeders for
Woyane tyranny.
The fact they
surrender their God given right to be free by kissing up to Woyane should tell
us their urge to get ahead of everybody else piggybacking on the regime. After
all, without them the regime has noting show.

Ethiopians never argue, fight over or disagree on
the choice between tyranny verses freedom. Only bottom feeders entertain
tyranny as a choice over freedom; willing to conspire against the rights and
freedoms of Ethiopians, no one else.
To surrender own rights and freedom and go
beyond-supporting a small time tyrant against the freedom and rights of
millions compatriots speaks volumes about contemptible bottom feeders of our
time. Such behavior is not only idiotic in modern times but unforgivable.
The reward alone couldn’t explain the behavior of
our contemporary bottom feeders. There must be other incentives to surrender
rights in the service of tyranny. It could be political motivation or purely
greed to get ahead of everybody else; cutting corners and involving in all
kinds of crimes, including corruption. Naturally, morally bankrupt and
intellectually dysfunctional individuals; prone to crimes are attracted to
these kinds of occupation. Such trait is what tyranny looks for when recruiting
A good example of Woyane bottom feeders would be
those individuals in the Diasporas that willingly volunteer to serve and
preserve tyranny. Unlike their counterpart at home with little choice, the
Diaspora bottom feeders are the worst kind. Having choices, they choose to
serve tyranny against their own freedom and the people by providing cover for
Why they do what they do is a subject for
historians and psychologist to explore. But, for average Ethiopian,
bottom feeders remain the instrument of tyranny in countless crimes and
suffering of the people we know and see and the many crimes we don’t know and
Surprisingly, bottom feeders seems to enjoy the
suffering of people as an opportunity to cash in. instead of restraining
themselves when presented with overwhelming evidence of crimes against humanity
they cover it up. Blinded by corruption and cronyism they keep on kissing up to
tyranny and look for every excuse imaginable to justify their behavior.
Short of inflecting phsical harm to their
compatriots as hit men of tyranny, bottom feeders are in the business of
covering-up, snitching and spreading propaganda to extend the life of tyranny.
Blaming others is the easiest and the most frequently used excuse.
Therefore, searching for dirt on anyone that threatened their tyrant is a
fulltime work.
The more educated bottom feeders are the worst
they get and, the lamest excuse they come up. For example, bottom feeder
economist, educators… are very good reducing science into fiction without
blinking an eye to fit the desire of the ruling tyrant. Likewise, bottom
feeder journalists, are good in reducing the truth into echo of the tyrant as
loud as they can make it. They have no qualm lying on the record and lying
again to cover the previous. They all are in perpetual suspense from the
reality around them.
Tyranny attracts a variety of bottom feeders and
congregates them for explicit reason of covering up crimes against the rights
and interest of millions of people. Since their job doesn’t require knowledge
to do right, bottom feeders are all the same regardless of their qualification.
The only thing they use their knowledge is how well they can cover up the crime
of the regime to the world to sustain tyranny.
Therefore, a tyrant can’t survive without bottom
feeder as they don’t have any use but bottom feeding in exchange for bribe of
the public resources under the regime. The marriage between the two is what
keeps tyranny going. Bottom feeders are easy to please; simply feeding
their empty ego is sufficient to make them surrender their freedom in the
service of tyranny. They have no value for their own freedom to sell it for as
little perk and recogntion from a tyrant.
Bottom feeders of tyranny must be reminded the
occupation they choose has no value in society. There is no glory in bottom
feeding and the reward isn’t real but, blood and sweat of the people. The
damage they cause isn’t minor misdemeanor but a serious offence against
For instant, the late Woyane leader, Melse Zenawi
in one of his public rant claimed his regime doesn’t need intelligent people
but those that serve Woyane’s agenda. In his famous quota ‘a guard is
good enough as long as he serve his regime’ is a good example of the caliber of
the collection of bottom feeders he assembled in Ethiopia.
Therefore, it is not a mystery why bottom feeders
overwhelmed the regime’s officials and Media, business, education…; recruited
as unintelligent defenders of tyranny. The bottom feeders in Diaspora are
worst than their counterparts at home, because they do it voluntarily; choosing
to abandon their freedom to serve tyranny. The only excuse they have is to
claim they are helping their people when in reality they feed off poverty on
behalf of the regime. Time and time again they show up looking where they can
sell poverty for the highest bidder and cash in handsomely for themselves. The
agents of poverty lords biggest accomplishment is coming together to praise
tyrant for empowering them to rip-off their people.
Bottom feeding is the worst behavior of human
beings and the cost to the people is enormous. Tyranny needs them than
they need it; therefore, it offer them bribes and power to make them feel
comfortable to serve. Once they accept, they are part of the Woyane family;
defending tyranny tooth and nail to protect their interest. They become
anti freedom, anti democracy and anti human; willing to do anything to sustain
tyranny.Bottom feeders in Diaspora are true to their name. They do it by choose and makes them unique in the human experience. Often weak and prone to crime they ask no question but where to cash-in without much effort. Showing up dressed up alone is enough for them to feel worthy of something they are not. It is more the psychological satisfaction that drives them to bottom feed for tyranny.
Like urban gang members, life of criminality is a
must to serve. Like gang members, loyalty to the gang leader is unquestionable
to survive. Like gang members, praising the leader is a prerequisite to show
loyalty and earn favoritism to climb in rank.
Bottom feeders are what keep tyranny alive. The
more Ethiopians go after bottom feeders the sooner tyranny ends. It is
important to note, most bottom feeders are ignorant and don’t know what they
are doing but getting along with the rest of the flocks feed with dosage of
propaganda to keep them going. When they find out the reality it is too late to
come to their senses to abandon it therefore remain bottom feeders. The fact
they hide their identity and activities is a testimony bottom feeding is not a
popular occupation but an opportunity to get ahead while no one looking. Thus,
recruiting more bottom feeders is one way of feeling good about themselves to
protect their interest. Showing up on the bottom feeders’ convention in
Diaspora top observe their activity will revile their true character.
There is no glory being bottom feeder for tyranny
except committing crimes against the people and run as fugitives from
justice. Ethiopians must show zero tolerance for bottom feeders. Sooner
or later every bottom feeder realizes s/he is public enemy #1.
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