The person pretends as being an independent mind who avoids being a
member of the ethnic based parties while in fact he is the mastermind of TPLF
foreign policy effort of covering up the untold human rights violation,
torture, killing and imprisonment of thousands of Ethiopians from the eyes of
the international community. By writing this follow up I would hope that Tekeda
Alemu would hopefully stand for truth and sanity that will be a lesson not only
to his two girls but also to other Ethiopian youth. If he keeps denying the
facts his daughters will have the fate of Mengistu Hailemariam’s kids who are
detached from their roots and live amid a culture and people they do not know
under a constant fear of harm that may come their way for the crimes of the
unrepentant dad!
Unlike what many regard Tekeda to be, people do not know about him many
things. I will not repeat what I said in the first part. As being a state
minister of foreign affairs Tekeda was involved in many matters that make him
the laughing stock behind closed doors at the foreign ministry. While his
secretaries order messengers to bring files from the archive and it took a
little more time he will come running down from second floor rolling his
sleeves up as if he is ready to fight. His character from the early days that
he was a football player at St. George still is in his blood after making his
PHD and adding up 40 years in his life. He is the only one I know education and
age made very little impact in changing behavior towards maturity and civility.
He used to insult and abuse those poor messengers running from room to room
carrying files and those in the archive section.
The same was true about him while treating the ministry’s drivers who
were assigned to give him a ride whenever necessary. If he calls the dispatch
and there is no one to answer he will run down to their office and threaten
them to death. The same is true when his wife (Almaz Gidey?) complained about
drivers for any reason. If she is going to market to buy onion, tomatoes and
potatoes and the driver is not at her door step on time her top official
husband wont waste time to come down to low places and lash out at those
drivers. Among others the threats of Tekeda involves that those drivers will
not get a chance to go to foreign missions as drivers. Many drivers have been
struck by his harsh words for being late for his and his wife’s ride.
Let me skip to his professional activities that exhibits more lies and
deception and very little, if any, facts. I will not dig in to his old
diplomatic blunders and lies; I mentioned some of it in the first part. I will
just look at the one that he recently engaged in and many of us read it in the
news. There is no one sane Ethiopian that was not surprised to hear that
Ethiopia became a member of the united nation human rights commission. A
country that is in the top tier of those nations who imprison activists,
journalists and opposition politicians has become in a commission that defends
these same people. This is the most ridiculous thing to happen in the real
world. How could a hyena be a custodian to the sheeps and goats?
The guy who happens to be so unashamed of doing such despicable act is
none other than the ‘educated’ Tekeda Alemu (see the link that shows the letter
from the Doctor to the UN requesting for membership, http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/67/532). There is no other better way for some one to say to the world
I know the reality but I will keep doing what is wrong as long as TPLF provides
what I need for my wife, two daughters and me. Do we really expect a man who
goes to American universities to exhibit this level of opportunism and denial
of reality? Not those with his level education and who are way under his level
in status go to exile after refusing to serve lies and propagandas that are
meant to protect the regime and its financially and economically connected
Ethiopian in all wakes of life should be able to weed out people who
attempt to eat with two forks. One of these people is Tekeda Alemu. As he made
it from the Derg to TPLF, he might think he will make it from TPLF to the post
TPLF regime that will come sooner or latter. A man who sustains oppression and
dictatorship shall not be an element of change as long as he stick to it to the
last drop. I know Tekeda knows much that will be used to the nation. What is
his major fallout is his character that makes him opportunist and hypocrite. Besides,
there are other little Tekedas’ who stick themselves to TPLF and serve evil
just to satisfy their greed when they have the opportunity to distance
themselves from the regime and be part of sanity. These little Tekedas include
Nebyu Tedla, Dibaba Abdeta, Mulugeta Zewdie, Hana Nigussie, Mesfin Wudneh,
Teferi Tadesse, Menelik Alemu, Misganu Arega, Teferi Tadesse and others…
So, if they have a sense of national responsibility and the need to
serve justice and freedom I say to them that it is still possible to redeem
themselves and be party to sanity. As they say “better late than never”
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